Watch What You Mix: Diet Soda May Make For A More Potent Cocktail

February 7th, 2013

Watch What You Mix: Diet Soda May Make For A More Potent Cocktail

Mixing alcohol with diet soda may make you more intoxicated. According to a recent report from NPR, diet mixers lead to higher Breath Alcohol Concentrations (BrAC) than sugar-laden drinks– and, consequently, a higher risk for DUI. The scientific reasoning is simple. Just as eating a snack ...

Internet Addiction is Genetic, They Say…

September 11th, 2012

Internet Addiction is Genetic, They Say…

Last week a German study at the University of Bonn revealed a genetic variation “essential” to the formation of internet addiction therapies. This gene, CHRNA4, is also linked to nicotine addiction and the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors associated with the brain’s reward pathways. Now ...

OxyContin Reformulation Fails to Curb Abuse

August 14th, 2012

OxyContin Reformulation Fails to Curb Abuse

In an attempt to counter the sharp increases in opiate painkiller abuse, researchers came out with a new formulation of OxyContin in August 2010 that’s less soluble and harder to crush. OxyContin would then be more difficult to inject and inhale, the two most popular methods of administration ...

August 5th, 2011

Scientists Develop Date Rape Drug Detector

Wondering if your drink is hiding a little something extra? Pretty soon, you may be able to find out if your drink has been drugged by swirling a straw.

August 4th, 2011

PTSD Treatment for Veterans May Start to Look Different

A recent study has shown that antipsychotics are no more effective than placebos in helping veterans overcome PTSD symptoms.

July 21st, 2011

Illegal Drug Use Statistics

A national survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration revealed Alaska to be the most drug-loving state, with Utah and Iowa ranking as the most abstinent. 11.5% of Alaska residents ages 12 and older used marijuana in the last month and 13.5% had used some ...

March 1st, 2011

Soda pop consumption closely related to high blood pressure, hypertention

According to a study published in “Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association”, the more sugary drinks consumed by adults, such as soda’s, the greater your chances of having higher blood pressure. The study found that each beverage, wherein sugar was added, drank ...

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