Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Aurora, Illinois (12)
NSDUH estimates for SAMHSA show that 10.7% of drug and alcohol related adolescent admissions on a single day of survey were under the age of 18 years. There were a total of 43,724 patients in a one-day census of treatment. Of these, 39,900(forming 91.3% of the total) belonged to the outpatient category. Moreover, the TEDS data for 2003-2006 for the state shows that number of males admitted for substance abuse treatment was 29,146 out of the total number of adolescents.
Access the rehab centers that we have listed in our directory in order to find the most suitable treatment for yourself or a loved one in Aurora, IL. The services offer diverse programs consisting of detoxification and short-term support for those undergoing withdrawal symptoms. The admissions for centers in and around Aurora, IL, are open throughout the day and the centers also offer early intervention programs for those showing risk factors, but not actually presenting any actual criteria mentioned for substance abuse disorders. You can also avail ancillary services for supporting the patient and improving the outcomes, along with outpatient counseling, both scheduled and non-scheduled. Programs range from residential treatment, outpatient, individual and family therapy, treatment that is gender specific, both long term and short term therapy and intervention, dual diagnosis etc.