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Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Gardnerville, Nevada (1)

According to reports from the SAMHSA through the Office of Applied Studies that offers drug-taking patterns among the adolescents of the state, it has been noted that 8,000 adolescents in the state needed treatment but had not received it, during the studied period. The US Department of Health and Human Services also notes that 7,000 female adolescents and 6,000 female adolescents required treatment for alcohol addiction and had not received it. The females in the state of Nevada and in Gardnerville, NV, were more likely to have experienced an MDE, a major depressive episode, as against the male adolescents, with 13.9% among females compared to 6.1% among males.

Considering the above, it might be time to take a step towards recovery for many adolescents and adults who have a problem with drugs or alcohol addiction. Our directory listings of some of the best rehab centers in and around Gardnerville, NV, can be your first step towards a sober life. The programs offered here can treat drug and alcohol dependency. They also offer extended programs, including medical treatment and psychotherapeutic treatment. The medical treatment offered at the rehab centers is specific and customized for specific drugs, intensity, duration of the addiction and so on. Standard drug programs usually last for a month to three months, whereas an extended recovery therapy will not have a fixed period, but will be aimed at individual problems.

List Of Gardnerville, Nevada Addiction Treatment Facilities

Tahoe Youth and Family Services

  • Address: 1512 Highway 395
  • Address: Suite 3
  • City: Gardnerville
  • State: NV
  • Zip Code: 89410
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