Heroin Deaths Rise Immensely in the US

Heroin Deaths Rise Immensely in the US

March 14th, 2016

Heroin Deaths Rise Immensely in the US

Many of us realize that heroin is a huge problem in the entire world, and the United States seems to have some of the biggest issues when it looks to the relationship between heroin use and the deaths that happen because of them. But, there has been an interesting, but sad, statistic related to the whole thing in recent years. The biggest issue has been in relation to how many deaths that have happened in the past decade or so in relation to marijuana use.

It’s estimated that, since the year 2000, the number of people who have died from using marijuana has increased by 4 or 5 times as much as it had been previously.

Hundreds of people are dying every year as a result of heroin overdoses, and on top of that, the cases related to use of heroin have also become more frequent. More and more heroin is also seized every year, which is also a troubling statistic that you need to look at – not only are more people using it, but it’s a lot more accessible than it used to be in the past as well. This is a huge issue that has to be dealt with.

Why is this happening? There are lots of theories out there, but most of them are related to the fact that more people are transporting it than before too. People have gotten more creative with how they transport it, and more of it has gotten to people. It’s also a lot more affordable than it used to be, so many people can end up getting it for almost nothing in the long run. While efforts are being made to thwart the epidemic that is happening, some people argue it hasn’t been happening fast enough.

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