Can the Brain Prevent Alcoholism?

Can the Brain Prevent Alcoholism?

July 20th, 2015

Scientists have been looking for cures for alcoholism for years, and it turns out, the answer may have been right in front of them the whole entire time. While studying the brain, scientists at UNC have discovered that there is a naturally occurring brain protein that basically halts a person from drinking too much or too often. This protein, called Neuropeptide Y, can play a significant role in stopping the pro drinking proteins from going through the brain.

This could be a huge deal for those who are trying to fight off the issues that are related to alcoholism. Because this problem runs rampant in the United States, and it’s also known to be hereditary in some families, anything that can help prevent it is a good idea.

Basically, this protein needs to be utilized, and the scientists at UNC are now starting research on how the brain can be stimulated to make more of it and if there is any way to use this knowledge in the creation of other solutions that can help people fight off alcoholism and other similar problems.

All in all, this is an amazing discovery. It’s the first time that there has been any evidence that the body can fend off these issues on its own, and there is even more evidence that there could be other parts of the brain that do this naturally as well. The UNC scientists, and other scientists, are going to continue to study this on other animals that have the same sorts of proteins, so we can take that knowledge and use it effectively. If we can fight off binge drinking and alcoholism by using the power of the brain, it could save a lot of heartache and struggle for a lot of people all over the world.

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