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Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Jefferson City, Missouri (3)

The N-SSATS and TEDS report for substance abuse in the state show that in the 2006 survey, 90% of the ones admitted were in the outpatient category. 11% of the ones admitted were below the age of 18 years. The report also showed the substance that was abused during the time of admission. It has been noted that there has been a decline in the admissions that mentioned alcohol, whereas there was an increase in admissions related to marijuana and methamphetamine, during the 15 years of study. The TEDS data showed that admissions related to alcohol reduced from 46% to 21%, whereas drug only admissions increased from 15% to 45% (1992 to 2006). This stresses the importance of rehab programs for drug addiction in the state and in Jefferson City, MO.

Our directory listings offer the best source of rehab centers that are located in and around Jefferson City, MO. If you know someone in need of treatment, you can suggest our listed centers, so that the person can start on his road to recovery. There are also specialized services that are targeted at the personal needs of the addict, where the service is matched to the problem. The program is followed by follow up and support groups that are effective in improving the long-term rehabilitation of the person.

List Of Jefferson City, Missouri Addiction Treatment Facilities

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