Teens & Drug Addiction

Teens & Drug Addiction

December 1st, 2014

The truth is that teenagers use the same drugs that adults do. This includes alcohol and various types of cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco. However, teens sometimes use a wide variety of other dangerous drugs.

Many teens can become addicted to marijuana, which can be referred to as pot, weed, and smoked in a joint. Another drug that teenagers can easily become addicted to is depressants, which are commonly referred to as yellow jackets. Stimulants are another drug, which are usually referred to as crack. Another potential drug that’s easy for teens to become addicted to is hallucinogens, which are most commonly in the form of mushrooms. Many teens and young adults who attend late night parties or nightclubs may become addicted to club drugs, otherwise known as ecstasy.

These are just the drugs that can be the easiest for teens to become addicted to, since they will most likely have the greatest access to these drugs. However, the sad fact is that a teen becoming addicted to drugs means that that teen may have problems taking care of themselves later, simply as a result of them doing drugs.

First of all, it’s far easier for a teen to become addicted to something than it is an adult, because the teenage brain is still immature, and thus will have less resistance to drugs. Once a teen becomes addicted to a drug, they may crave it and do whatever they have to do to get it. This will certainly lead to problems later on in life, if not already. It could also be that a teen was introduced to a drug by a friend or family member. As a result, it’s very careful to make sure that you, as a teen, do not become addicted to drugs. Otherwise, you may suffer health consequences as a result.

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