Behavioral Issues Related to Drug Abuse

Behavioral Issues Related to Drug Abuse

June 23rd, 2014

Did you know that there are a number of behavioral issues related to drug abuse, especially if you are doing it on a regular basis? It’s true. Some behaviors can end up occurring that you may have never dealt with before. Here are some of the most common behavioral issues you may come across with drug addiction.

Paranoia is one of the worst side effects of drug abuse because it can cause you to become cautious of your friends and family members. This paranoia can end up being detrimental because it can cause your moods to change quickly and it can give you some trouble at places like work and home.

Aggressiveness is another behavioral problem that may come up as a result of drug use. For example, if you feel defensive for one reason or another, you may become aggressive, yell at people, or get in people’s faces when things aren’t going your way.

Impaired Judgment is one of the issues that we always hear about when we talk about drugs and alcohol. Because these alter our conscious, we’re less likely to be able to make good decisions. Impaired judgment, as you can expect, is dangerous a lot of the time because it can make it so that you harm yourself or make decisions that you regret. Sometimes, you’re even impulsive; in those moments, you may not even be thinking about what you should be doing in a situation. Alcohol is known for this, but other drugs do it as well.

Loss of Self-Control is another fairly frightening behavior issue, which goes hand in hand with impulsiveness and impaired judgment. You just may not be able to control yourself because your mind isn’t in the right condition to deal with difficult (or simple) decisions. You may ingest more drugs, drink more alcohol, yell a lot, get involved in unsafe sex, or do any other number of things because you have no self-control over yourself. Dissociative drugs are known for doing this.

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